IOSS team profiles

David Vial




BAppSc (Amenity Hort)

David Vial is the founding Director of IOSS. He has over forty years’ experience in the parks and recreation industry – including the public sector, private sector, and academia. Having worked with over 150 Government Authorities since forming IOSS in 1997, … Continued

Michelle Prior


Principal - Research


MNatRes, LLB, BUrbRegPlan

Michelle’s expertise lies in multi-disciplinary research for the achievement of improved outcomes, through informed decision-making. Other priority outcomes include environmental responsibility, economic viability and social accountability. Her ability to cross disciplines, gather a complex array of information from a variety … Continued

Petra Bamford

Senior Project Officer


BEng (Civil)

Petra is a Senior Project Officer with IOSS; and specialises in data management, data analysis and report preparation. Petra is extremely competent with data management associated with questionnaire surveys, having been with IOSS since 2009. Attention to detail and high-level … Continued

IOSS Field Staff

In order to minimise overheads, and consequently cost for the client, IOSS has developed a system of engaging additional field staff, as required. This supplements the pool of staff on call in major regions that IOSS operates in. The process … Continued